Monday, October 8, 2018

Using Media in Our A&P Course - Advice From Barbara Waxer | TAPP Radio 28

0:40 | How many genes in the human genome? An update.
4:36 | A new sensory structure found in the gut
9:27 | Featured: Advice on using media properly - chat with Barbara Waxer

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1 | Update: Number of Genes in Human Genome 4 minutes

A recent article in Science News kinda sounds like the known number of genes in the human genome has doubled since the report cited in a recent episode. Nope. It's just that experts are now often including both protein-coding genes and noncoding (RNA-coding) genes in the total.


2 | New Sensory Structure Found in the Gut 5 minutes

A new sensory structure has been documented in the lining of the mammalian gut. It involves the enteroendocrine cell, which has now been shown to synapse with neurons that lead to the brain via the vagus nerve, sort of like other epithelial-nervous sensory structures like the tactile disk (Merkel disk) arrangement in the skin.

 neuropod cell


3 | Interview with Barbara Waxer 30.5 minutes

Barbara Waxer, a professor of media and expert in copyright and the use of media joins Kevin for a chat about a topic that has come up before: how to properly use media created by others in our A&P course.

 teaching the skeleton


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