Has a new organ been discovered? (4 min)
Students benefit from debriefing after each test. (18.5 min)
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Interstitium. Illustration by Jill Gregory.
Printed with permission from
Mount Sinai Health System,
licensed under CC-BY-ND.
(0:46) Has a new human organ discovered? Or is this news mostly hype? Or is the answer somewhere in the middle?
- Structure and Distribution of an Unrecognized Interstitium in Human Tissues (original research report)
- Newly-discovered human organ may help explain how cancer spreads (article about the original report)
- That “New Organ” Everyone Is Freaking Out About Is Probably Not New (article outlining criticism of the original report)
- Is the Interstitium Really a New Organ? (another article interprets the original report)
- Is This Tissue a New Organ? Maybe. A Conduit for Cancer? It Seems Likely. (yet another opinioon)
(4:56) Testing can be a powerful learning strategy. Debriefing in a systematic way after each test can leverage the learning value of tests and boost learning even more.
- Test Analysis (Lion Den web page for students)
- Student Success Increases When They Debrief After Tests (blog post for professors)
- Test Analysis Form (worksheet download; Lion Den downloads page; or use short URL: lionden.com/downloads.htm)
- Learn From Your Mistakes! (blog post for students; includes video showing how to use form)
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- Transcript available at the script page.
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