Tuesday, February 15, 2022

The Inclusive Anatomy & Physiology Course | Part 2 | TAPP 109

This episode continues a discussion of the many simple strategies available for making our anatomy and physiology course more inclusive. Here, we learn eight more easy ways to make our courses work better for all learners.

0:00:00 | Introduction

0:00:46 | More on the Inclusive Course

0:07:51 | Sponsored by AAA

0:08:38 | 8. Student Interest Survey

0:14:35 | 9. Inclusive Office Hours

0:24:22 | Sponsored by HAPI

0:25:27 | 10. Valuing Diverse Viewpoints

0:29:08 | 11. Inclusive Classroom Demeanor

0:55:44 | Sponsored by HAPS

0:56:38 | 12. Learning from Mistakes

0:58:56 | 13. Suggest a Different Instructor

1:08:33 | 14. Many Challenges Are Invisible

1:13:12 | 15. Practice Love

1:16:01 | Staying Connected

★ If you cannot see or activate the audio player, go to: theAPprofessor.org/podcast-episode-109.html

🏅 Apply for your credential (badge/certificate) for listening to this episode: theAPprofessor.org/podcast-episode-109.html/#badge

❓ Please take the anonymous survey: theAPprofessor.org/survey

☝️ Questions & Feedback: 1-833-LION-DEN (1-833-546-6336)

✔️ Follow The A&P Professor on Twitter, Facebook, Blogger, Revue, Tumblr, or Instagram! @theAPprofessor

📰 Get the almost-daily TAPP Science & Education Updates theAPprofessor.org/updates

Good teaching cannot be reduced to technique; good teaching comes from the identity and integrity of the teacher. (Parker Palmer)


More on the Inclusive Course

7 minutes

This episode—and the previous one—discuss a large basket of practical ways we can make our anatomy and physiology course more inclusive. Here, we review the previous 7 tips and then set the stage for 8 more tips. And some news and updates.

★ Association of College & University Eductators (ACUE) toolkit (various resources for the inclusive course) AandP.info/inclusive-teaching-6be1c1

★ ADVANCING DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION IN HIGHER EDUCATION (report on benefits of making courses inclusive) AandP.info/8879cb

Burnout! A Chat with Rebecca Pope-Ruark | TAPP 91

★ Unraveling Faculty Burnout: Pathways to Reckoning and Renewal Paperback by Rebecca Pope-Ruark (Author) geni.us/EBSTK

★ Dr. Amanda J. Meyer on Twitter @amandameyerphd

★ ★ Use services like https://cloud.name-coach.com or https://namedrop.io to get students to pronounce their preferred names (and pronouns if they want) so you can learn the correct way to address them

★ HAPS Town Hall Archives AandP.info/HAPStownhall


Sponsored by AAA

1 minute

A searchable transcript for this episode, as well as the captioned audiogram of this episode, are sponsored by the American Association for Anatomy (AAA) at anatomy.org.

Searchable transcript

Captioned audiogram 

Don't forget—HAPS members get a deep discount on AAA membership!

AAA logo

8. Student Interest Survey

6 minutes

The more we know about students, the more we can figure out ways to include them in our course.

★ Answer Garden (the Answer Garden for Kevin's Pre-A&P course) https://answergarden.ch/164268

★ ACUE toolkit #8 (resources related to this tip)AandP.info/inclusive-teaching-2986ca


9. Inclusive Office Hours

9.5 minutes

Are our office hours set up for our own convenience? Or do they instead reflect the diverse needs of our students? Learn how Kevin customizes his office hours by using an online scheduler.

★ ACUE toolkit #9 (resources related to this tip) AandP.info/inclusive-teaching-e4fcde

★ Kevin's online scheduler (combined view at AcuityScheduling; only the "student' appointment is linked in the course syllabus) AandP.info/kevin-schedule

★ Link to other scheduling apps: AandP.info/best-scheduling-79b8df


Sponsored by HAPI Online Graduate Program

1 minute

The Master of Science in Human Anatomy & Physiology Instruction—the MS-HAPI—is a graduate program for A&P teachers, especially for those who already have a graduate/professional degree. A combination of science courses (enough to qualify you to teach at the college level) and courses in contemporary instructional practice, this program helps you be your best in both on-campus and remote teaching. Kevin Patton is a faculty member in this program at Northeast College of Health Sciences. Check it out!


Logo of Northeast College of Health Sciences, Human Anatomy & Physiology Instruction


10. Valuing Diverse Viewpoints

3.5 minutes

If we set expectations for valuing diverse viewpoints in our course—especially with the help (and buy-in) of our students—we can ramp up the inclusiveness of our course.

★ ACUE toolkit #10 (resources related to this tip) AandP.info/inclusive-teaching-086228


11. Inclusive Classroom Demeanor

26.5 minutes

A playful class atmosphere is—by its very nature—an inclusive classroom atmosphere. The more flexible and playful our course is, the more inclusive it can become.

Playful & Serious Is the Perfect Combo for A&P | Episode 13

★ Why Deadlines Are Important (blog post for A&P students; recommends meeting deadlines but suggests asking for flexibility when needed; link to this post from your course) theAPstudent.blogspot.com/2013/10/why-deadlines-are-important.html

Faculty Mindsets & Minority Student Achievement Gaps | Journal Club | TAPP 71


Sponsored by HAPS

1 minute

The Human Anatomy & Physiology Society (HAPS) is a sponsor of this podcast.  You can help appreciate their support by clicking the link below and checking out the many resources and benefits found there. Watch for virtual town hall meetings and upcoming regional meetings!

Anatomy & Physiology Society


HAPS logo


12. Learning from Mistakes

2.5 minutes

We cannot evolve to be more inclusive faculty if we do not recognize and correct our mistakes.

Making Mistakes Teaching Anatomy & Physiology | Episode 63


13. Suggest a Different Instructor

9.3 minutes

Sometimes, things simply do not click between you and a student—possibly thwarting their success. If possible, a student may benefit from switching to a section with a different instructor.

★ The relationship between psychological identification with instructors and student ratings of college courses (research article from Instructional Science) AandP.info/psychological-identification-ad33fa


14. Many Challenges Are Invisible

4.5 minutes

If we are on the lookout only for visible diversity and visible challenges our students may face, we are going to miss the many different invisible challenges. If we want our course to be more inclusive, we must consider the invisible.

★ Invisible Disabilities and Postsecondary Education (article from DO-IT) AandP.info/invisible-disabilities-cc24a5

★ Disability and Higher Education: “But You Don’t Look Disabled": Legitimizing Invisible Disabilities (article from the UN) AandP.info/disability-higher-d12803


15. Practice Love

5 minutes

Practicing love—compassion, empathy, and kindness—for all our students is the foundational strategy that underlies all the tips the given in these two episodes on making our course more inclusive.

★ The Value of Empathy in Academia: Why You Should Care (article from American Society for Microbiology) AandP.info/value-empathy-795792


If the hyperlinks here are not active, go to TAPPradio.org to find the episode page.

★ More details at the episode page: theAPprofessor.org/podcast-episode-109.html

★ Transcript available in the transcript box: theAPprofessor.org/podcast-episode-109.html

★ Need help accessing resources locked behind a paywall? Check out this advice from Episode 32 to get what you need! my-ap.us/paywall

Take The A&P Professor experience to the next level!


Earn cash by referring other A&P faculty to this podcast:


Tools & Resources

★ TAPP Science & Education Updates: theAPprofessor.org/updates

★ Amazon: amzn.to/2r6Qa3J

★ Text Expander: theapprofessor.org/textexpander

★ Rev.com: try.rev.com/Cw2nZ

★ Snagit & Camtasia: techsmith.pxf.io/9MkPW

★ Krisp Free Noise-Cancelling App: theAPprofessor.org/krisp

★ JotForm (build forms for free): theAPprofessor.org/jotform

★ The A&P Professor Logo Items: https://www.teepublic.com/stores/the-a-p-professor


★ Transcript and captions for this episode are supported by the American Association for Anatomy | anatomy.org

★ The Human Anatomy & Physiology Society provides marketing support for this podcast | theAPprofessor.org/haps

★ Distribution of this episode is supported by the Northeast College of Health Sciences online graduate program in Human Anatomy & Physiology Instruction (HAPI) | northeast.edu/hapi

Clicking on sponsor links helps let them know you appreciate their support of this podcast!

Follow The A&P Professor on  Twitter, Facebook, Blogger, Revue, Tumblr, or Instagram @theAPprofessor

The A&P Professor® and Lion Den® are registered trademarks of Lion Den Inc. (Kevin Patton)

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. I may be compensated for links to sponsors and certain other links.

Click here to listen to this episode—or access the detailed notes and transcript.

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

The Inclusive Anatomy & Physiology Course | Part 1 | TAPP 108

As anatomy and physiology faculty, we put a lot of effort into developing strategies for learning the core concepts of human biology. It's easy to forget to build in some inclusive strategies that help all students grow and succeed. In this first of two episode, host Kevin Patton begins a list of simple and effective ways to make our A&P course more inclusive.

00:00 | Introduction

00:46 | The Inclusive Course

04:45 | 1. Reflect Diversity

12:21 | 2. Accessible Resources

21:06 | Sponsored by AAA

21:52 | 3. Inclusive Syllabus

26:03 | 4. Use Inclusive Language

30:25 | Sponsored by HAPI

31:30 | 5. Gender Pronouns

34:09 | 6. Use Preferred Names

40:47 | Sponsored by HAPS

41:40 | 7. Small Group Introductions

46:26 | Staying Connected


★ If you cannot see or activate the audio player, go to: theAPprofessor.org/podcast-episode-108.html

🏅 Apply for your credential (badge/certificate) for listening to this episode: theAPprofessor.org/podcast-episode-108.html/#badge

❓ Please take the anonymous survey: theAPprofessor.org/survey

☝️ Questions & Feedback: 1-833-LION-DEN (1-833-546-6336)

✔️ Follow The A&P Professor on Twitter, Facebook, Blogger, Revue, Tumblr, or Instagram! @theAPprofessor

📰 Get the almost-daily TAPP Science & Education Updates theAPprofessor.org/updates

Inclusive, good-quality education is a foundation for dynamic and equitable societies. (Desmond Tutu)


The Inclusive Course

4 minutes

This episode—and the next one—discuss a large basket of practical ways we can make our anatomy and physiology course more inclusive.

★ Association of College & University Eductators (AUCE) toolkit (various resources for the inclusive course) AandP.info/inclusive-teaching-6be1c1

★ ADVANCING DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION IN HIGHER EDUCATION (report on benefits of making courses inclusive) AandP.info/8879cb

collage of varied faces with text: The Inclusive Anatomy & Physiology Course | Part 1 | TAPP 108


1. Reflect Diversity

7.5 minutes

Think about how we can reflect diversity in our society and in our world.

★ AUCE toolkit #1 (resources related to this tip) AandP.info/inclusive-teaching-da7061

Finding Media | Images and More for Teaching Anatomy & Physiology

★ Mind The Gap: Black and Brown Skin (example from the TAPP Finding Media page) AandP.info/mind-gap-b1b44b


2. Accessible Resources

7.5 minutes

Are our resources accessible to all students—and not just those students in our course right now?

★ AUCE toolkit #2 (resources related to this tip) AandP.info/inclusive-teaching-cf24ea

★ Episode page transcript link (for this episode) theAPprofessor.org/podcast-episode-108.html#episode-transcript

TAPPapp | The Free App for Listening to The A&P Professor podcast (each episode has an embedded transcript)

★ The A&P Professor at ListenNotes.com (time-coded transcript of each episode available) AandP.info/TAPPlistennotes


Sponsored by AAA

1 minute

A searchable transcript for this episode, as well as the captioned audiogram of this episode, are sponsored by the American Association for Anatomy (AAA) at anatomy.org.

Searchable transcript

Captioned audiogram 

Don't forget—HAPS members get a deep discount on AAA membership!

AAA logo


3. Inclusive Syllabus

4 minutes

Are there opportunities in our syllabus to be more inclusive?

★ AUCE toolkit #3 (resources related to this tip) https://aandp.info/inclusive-teaching-4e7522

The Syllabus Special | TAPP 75 (includes discussion of Test Zero)

★ Diversity Statement On a Syllabus (one of many how-to articles available to help you) AandP.info/diversity-statement-ee204a

★ Kevin's syllabus (my Pre-A&P syllabus has a number of features that promote inclusion; did I miss something? If so, let me know!) lionden.com/fis.htm

★ Kevin's pronoun page (every time I use (he/him), including my syllabus, I link it to this page) lionden.com/pronouns.htm


4. Use Inclusive Language

4.5 minutes

Our language is evolving to be more inclusive—both in science and in society at large. Keeping up with and using inclusive language makes our course more inclusive.

★ AUCE toolkit #4 (resources related to this tip) AandPaandp.info/inclusive-teaching-99dda9

★ Doing the Work of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (my essay on inclusion in textbboks) AandP.info/935b73


Sponsored by HAPI Online Graduate Program

1 minute

The Master of Science in Human Anatomy & Physiology Instruction—the MS-HAPI—is a graduate program for A&P teachers, especially for those who already have a graduate/professional degree. A combination of science courses (enough to qualify you to teach at the college level) and courses in contemporary instructional practice, this program helps you be your best in both on-campus and remote teaching. Kevin Patton is a faculty member in this program at Northeast College of Health Sciences. Check it out!


Logo of Northeast College of Health Sciences, Human Anatomy & Physiology Instruction


5. Gender Pronouns

2.5 minutes

Using our preferred gender pronouns invites students to be their authentic selves in our course.

★ AUCE toolkit #5 (resources related to this tip) https://aandp.info/inclusive-teaching-040d88

More on Eponyms in A&P Terminology | Episode 41 (episode where I discuss preferred pronouns)

★ Kevin's pronoun page (every time I use (he/him) I link it to this page) lionden.com/pronouns.htm


6. Use Preferred Names

6.5 minutes

Using a student's preferred name—not necessarily the one on the roster and not necessarily the version can can pronounce more easily—values a student's personal identity and therefore improves inclusion in our course. Preferred pronunciation of their name is important, too.

★ AUCE toolkit #6 (resources related to this tip) AandP.info/inclusive-teaching-e8c082
Ep 41

More on Eponyms in A&P Terminology | Episode 41 (episode where I discuss using personal names)


Sponsored by HAPS

1 minute

The Human Anatomy & Physiology Society (HAPS) is a sponsor of this podcast.  You can help appreciate their support by clicking the link below and checking out the many resources and benefits found there. Watch for virtual town hall meetings and upcoming regional meetings!

Anatomy & Physiology Society


HAPS logo


7. Small Group Introductions

5 minutes

Starting the course with opportunities for students to introduce themselves in small groups can jumpstart the building of an inclusive course culture.

★ AUCE toolkit #7 (resources related to this tip) https://aandp.info/inclusive-teaching-e08b9e

The Syllabus Special | TAPP 75 (where I describe my first-day, small-group introduction activity)

If the hyperlinks here are not active, go to TAPPradio.org to find the episode page.

★ More details at the episode page: theAPprofessor.org/podcast-episode-108.html

★ Transcript available in the transcript box: theAPprofessor.org/podcast-episode-108.html

★ Need help accessing resources locked behind a paywall? Check out this advice from Episode 32 to get what you need! my-ap.us/paywall

Take The A&P Professor experience to the next level!


Earn cash by referring other A&P faculty to this podcast:


Tools & Resources

★ TAPP Science & Education Updates: theAPprofessor.org/updates

★ Amazon: amzn.to/2r6Qa3J

★ Text Expander: theapprofessor.org/textexpander

★ Rev.com: try.rev.com/Cw2nZ

★ Snagit & Camtasia: techsmith.pxf.io/9MkPW

★ Krisp Free Noise-Cancelling App: theAPprofessor.org/krisp

★ JotForm (build forms for free): theAPprofessor.org/jotform

★ The A&P Professor Logo Items: https://www.teepublic.com/stores/the-a-p-professor


★ Transcript and captions for this episode are supported by the American Association for Anatomy | anatomy.org

★ The Human Anatomy & Physiology Society provides marketing support for this podcast | theAPprofessor.org/haps

★ Distribution of this episode is supported by the Northeast College of Health Sciences online graduate program in Human Anatomy & Physiology Instruction (HAPI) | northeast.edu/hapi

Clicking on sponsor links helps let them know you appreciate their support of this podcast!

Follow The A&P Professor on  Twitter, Facebook, Blogger, Revue, Tumblr, or Instagram @theAPprofessor

The A&P Professor® and Lion Den® are registered trademarks of Lion Den Inc. (Kevin Patton)

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. I may be compensated for links to sponsors and certain other links.

Click here to listen to this episode—or access the detailed notes and transcript.