Monday, April 30, 2018

Actin & Myosin - A Love Story | TAPP Radio 15

Why does the Golgi apparatus looks so weird? (5.5 min)
A love story analogy for muscle contraction? (8 min)
Don't forget the Alexa skill for this podcast!  (2 min)
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(0:47) The Golgi apparatus has a distinctive flattened shape. It turns out that it's the functioning of the cytoskeleton that is responsible.
 Golgi Apparatus. Credit: Kelvinsong

(6:02) Kevin tells the story of actin and myosin as an analogy to a classic love story. This playful story reflects the focus of recent episodes about the use of storytelling and analogies in teaching A&P.
 Romeo & Juliet

(17:50) Don't forget the Alexa skill for this podcast!
  • Enable the Alexa skill (Kevin's instructions on how to enable and use the new skill for this podcast; includes a video)
  • Alexa skill (Amazon's page for this Alexa skill)
  • Alexa-enabled devices (Amazon's devices that use Alexa skills; purchases made through this link help fund this podcast)

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Click here to listen to this episode—or access the detailed notes and transcript.

1 comment:

Margaret Reece said...

Nice story linking a series of molecular events that students often find very confusing. Thanks.

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