0:42 | Adam Rich Asks About Student Feedback
10:32 | New Type of Vessel in Bones
14:17 | Big Ideas: Content Updates & Applications
20:15 | Big Ideas: This Podcast
20:45 | Big Ideas: Featured Ideas of the Year
29:45 | Big Ideas: Wrapping Up the Year
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"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." (Theodore Roosevelt)
1 | Adam Rich Calls In
10 minutesKevin responds to a call from Adam Rich of SUNY Brockport regarding giving students feedback/corrected responses in online tests.
- Spaced Retrieval Practice | Episode 1
- Test Debriefing Boosts Student Learning | Episode 11
- Test Frequency in the A&P Course | Episode 33
- Long Term Learning | Five Strategies for Teaching A&P
- Testing as Teaching
2 | New Type of Vessel in Bones
3.5 minutesScientists have discovered a system of small vessels that cross every part of a bone's cortical layers to supply most of the bone's blood—over 80% of the arterial supply and 59% of venous drainage. The proposed name is trans-cortical vessels (TCVs).
- We’ve discovered a new type of blood vessel in our bones (brief article summarizing the discovery) my-ap.us/2B6tHce
- A network of trans-cortical capillaries as mainstay for blood circulation in long bones (full research article) my-ap.us/2B6ttSq
- Video (gif) showing a virtual trip through a TCV my-ap.us/2B6XX6H
3 | Big Year: Content Updates & Applications
6 minutesThe first of several segments in a "debriefing" of the first year of this podcast.
This year brought many content updates and brief teaching snippets, from using green pens for grading to the role of platelets in immunity. Too many to mention, but Kevin gives his best shot at listing some of those that seem to be most memorable.

4 | Big Year: Evolution of This Podcast
9.5 minutesWhat are show notes and how do they differ from the episode page? How best to listen and share? What's the episode list (theAPprofessor.org/podlist)? Preview episodes! And a word about our sponsors:

The Human Anatomy & Physiology Society (HAPS) is a sponsor of this podcast. Did you know there's a one-day regional HAPS conference in March? Check it out. You can help appreciate their support by clicking the link below and checking out the many resources and benefits found there.

The searchable transcript for this episode, as well as the captioned audiogram of this episode, are sponsored by The American Association of Anatomists (AAA) at anatomy.org
5 | Big Year: The Big Ideas of the Past Year
11 minutesEach full episode usually has a "featured topic." This segment reviews some of the major topics and themes that emerged during the first year of the podcast. From caring-empathy-compassion to integrity to storytelling, and from testing-as-teaching to elephant skin to learning science, a lot was covered! And what about those guest interviews--the Learning Scientists, media expert Barbara Waxer, anatomy educator Aaron Fried, and artist-professor Paul Krieger? And let's not forget those "lucky numbers"!

5 | Big Year: Wrapping Up
2 minutesWhat do you want me to cover? I have some ideas, of course. But I want to hear your ideas, too!
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- More details at the episode page.
- Transcript available at the script page.
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Transcript and captions for this episode are supported by the American Association of Anatomists.anatomy.org
The Human Anatomy & Physiology Societyalso provides support for this podcast. theAPprofessor.org/haps
(Clicking on sponsor links helps let them know you appreciatetheir support of this podcast!)
Click here to listen to this episode—or access the detailed notes and transcript.
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