This event is completely online, like the MS-HAPI degree itself. And it'll give you a better idea of what it's all about. And you can ask all those questions that have been occurring to you.
Whether it's because you realize the benefit of additional training for yourself in "how to teach A&P" or you want to know more so you can pass it along to colleagues or prospective hires in your department, it'll be worth the small investment of time.
Just go to theAPprofessor.org/2019hapi to sign up for the virtual Open House:
Monday, July 15, at 8 pm ET
Yeah, I know. It's late notice. I just found out about it recently, myself. If you miss the Open House, that's okay—you can go to nycc.edu/hapi anytime to find out more about the program.
Note: I'm a founding faculty member in HAPI and the program currently sponsors the free distribution of my podcast The A&P Professor.
Please forward this notice to all those who you think might be interested!
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