At the NABT (National Association of Biology) professional development conference in Memphis TN a couple of weeks ago, I ran into the folks from the Community of Genetics Educators (CoGE).
At first glance, I thought this was strictly for folks teaching a course in genetics. Wrong! It's for biology educators in general who have some level of genetics content in their courses. Well, that's us!
Although our textbook Anatomy & Physiology has a chapter on genetics, I do not teach this as a separate unit in my course. However, I do weave the concepts of genetics and genomics throughout my course . . . as I suspect you do.
Wow, does CoGE (an effort of the National Institutes of Medicine [NIH]) have a lot of FREE resources to help me understand current genetics better . . . and use in my course materials!
Here's part of an email I recently received from CoGE telling you all about it. They told me to share it . . . so here it is:
"Here it is:
It will take you about three minutes to register in.
Please do me a favor and leave a short bio. It helps people know who you are.
And leaving a photo is even better. Leave a photo when you register in between now and
the end of November and you quality for a special CoGE door prize (worth owning).
A few things you might want to know:
Everything is free and the site is part of educational programming at the National Institutes of Health. We will not share your email address, or ever try to sell you anything.
What is there?
(1) This coming Wednesday evening there is a live lecture on “The Genetic Information Non-Discrimination Act of 2008 (GINA).” Starts at 7pm and you can call in free from home and see the slides on any computer. There is an hour of Q&A from teachers attending with the speaker after a short talk
(2) Over 100 excellent copyright-free genetic illustrations by NIH illustrator Darryl Leja. Darryl pretty much defined how we draw the double helix with his excellent work during the mapping of the human genome.
(3) Resources submitted by other teachers and searchable. Lesson plans, valuable internet sites, and tips on everything from DNA and Darwin Day to extracting DNA from just about anything.
And a lot more.
Here’s what we know. If you do not take time to register now, you probably never will.
So please… pause, link in, and join the more than 500 other biology teachers already using CoGE.
In return you can find them, they can find you, and we all can share resources that work to
make bio teaching that much more effective and enjoyable.
Jeff Witherly
CoGE, Mayor
(don’t you love that title?)
And now for something completely different . . . a cute music video regarding Mendelian genetics (from YouTube, not from CoGE!)
[The video may not appear in your news feed or emailed newsletter. Go to The A&P Professor blog to access the video viewer. Go to The A&P Professor website to learn how to embed the video in your PowerPoint or webpage . . . or simply link to it from your own email or webpage.]
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