Host Kevin Patton discusses the importance of teaching proper communication in the anatomy & physiology course. Topics include handling spelling errors, alternate spellings, proper use of type case, and addressing professionalism goals in the syllabus.
00:47 | Is Spelling Important?
10:06 | Sponsored by HAPS
10:33 | Alternate Spellings
14:12 | Sponsored by AAA
14:31 | A Case for Proper Case
26:16 | Sponsored by HAPI Online Graduate Program
27:05 | Professionalism as a Course Goal
30:05 | Staying Connected
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When our spelling is perfect, it's invisible. But when it's flawed, it prompts strong negative associations. (Marilyn vos Savant)
Is Spelling Important?
9.5 minutesI've done a complete turnaround in my teaching over the years —I used to be lenient about correct spelling, but now I'm a stickler for exactly correct spelling. In this segment I discuss my reasons.
- Examples of commonly confused terms with similar spelling (many of these are from Shawn Macauley). See below for expanded list (handout).
- perineum, peritoneum
- peroneal, perineal, peritoneal
- ileum, ilium
- coronoid, coracoid
- abduction, adduction, addiction
- public, pubic
- cranial, crural, caudal, caudad
- glans, glands
- Bonus handout!
- Terms That Are Often Misspelled or Confused in A&P
- Available only in the free podcast app (the TAPP APP)
- For iOS devices:
- For Android devices:
- Spelling IS important (TAPP blog post)
- Doing our part to reduce medical errors (TAPP blog post)
- Deaths from avoidable medical error more than double in past decade, investigation shows
(Scientific American blog post) - In a review of 337,000 patient cases, this was the No. 1 most common preventable medical error (news report)
- Prevalence, severity, and nature of preventable patient harm across medical care settings: systematic review and meta-analysis (research report)
- Official "Do Not Use" list of abbreviations (from the Joint Commission)
- From

Sponsored by HAPS
0.5 minuteThe Human Anatomy & Physiology Society (HAPS) is a sponsor of this podcast. You can help appreciate their support by clicking the link below and checking out the many resources and benefits found there. There are a bunch of 1-day regional workshops scattered all over the continent. There's probably one near you coming up this year (or next)!
Anatomy & Physiology Society

Alternate Spellings
3.5 minutesSome terms can be correctly spelled more than one way. There is also an issue of differences in spelling from one dialect of English to another (e.g., U.K. English compared to U.S. English). If we are to expect our students to use correct spelling, we have to keep up with acceptable variations.
- End-of-Term Reviews Help Keep Your Course on Track | Episode 17 (discusses mammillary vs. mamillary)
- Is it Mamillary or Mammillary? (blog post from o-log-y)
- Gray anatomy or grey anatomy? (blog post from o-log-y)
- How Do You Spell the Color Gray? (blog post from Grammarly)
- Bonus handout!
- Regional Spelling Differences
- Available only in the free podcast app (the TAPP APP)
- For iOS devices:
- For Android devices:

Sponsored by AAA
0.5 minutesA searchable transcript for this episode, as well as the captioned audiogram of this episode, are sponsored by the American Association for Anatomy (AAA) at
Searchable transcript
Captioned audiogram

A Case for Proper Case
11.5 minutesWhen we properly capitalize terms, it demonstrates our professionalism, serves as a teaching model for students, improves clarity, and potentially reduces medical errors. A capital idea!
- Font Case (brief summary of different font cases: sentence case, title case, all caps, etc.)
- Italic Text Generator (generates italic type for use in texts, tweets, etc.)
- Title Case (generates proper title case for different standard styles; gives rules for title case)

Sponsored by HAPI Online Graduate Program
1 minuteThe Master of Science in Human Anatomy & Physiology Instruction—the MS-HAPI—is a graduate program for A&P teachers. A combination of science courses (enough to qualify you to teach at the college level) and courses in contemporary instructional practice, this program helps you power up your teaching. Kevin Patton is a faculty member in this program. Check it out!

Professionalism as a Course Goal
3 minutesSometimes a student frets about the A&P course being "not a spelling course" or "not an English course" — but professional communication is an essential skill for health professionals. Why not add this statement to our syllabus and/or other course documents?
- The Syllabus Episode | Bonus | Episode 24
- Promoting Academic Integrity in Our Course | Episode 25
- Modeling Professional Integrity | Episode 26

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- More details at the episode page.
- Transcript available at the script page.
- Listen to any episode on your Alexa device.
- Need help accessing resources locked behind a paywall? Check out this advice from Episode 32 to get what you need!
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