Use concept mapping for student learning and assessment.
Blood doping is a perennial news topic that helps apply central concepts of A&P.
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(0:48) Blood doping stories related to the 2018 Winter Olympics (or in any context) are effective in helping student students apply and integrate diverse concepts in anatomy and physiology
- Olympic athletes are cheating more often than you think (article concerning current issues in doping)
- Doping topics from The A&P Professor blog (various concepts that apply doping in A&P courses)
- World Doping Agency | WADA (website with various resources, including their official prohibited list)
- Blood Sport: Alex Rodriguez, Biogenesis, and the Quest to End Baseball’s Steroid Era (book)
- Tainted Blood: The Untold Story of the 1984 Olympic Blood Doping Scandal (book)
- Doping, Performance-Enhancing Drugs, and Hormones in Sport: Mechanisms of Action and Methods of Detection | Emerging Issues in Analytical Chemistry (A great acquisition suggestion for your institution’s library)
(6:32) The featured topic is concept mapping and its uses in helps students learn and helping instructors assess learning and diagnose misconceptions and other learning concerns.
- Small Teaching: Everyday Lessons from the Science of Learning
- Teaching Nursing Using Concept Maps
- Deep Active Learning: Toward Greater Depth in University Education
- Topics in concept mapping for students from The A&P Student blog
- Concept Maps | A How-To for A&P Students (link to this from your course website or syllabus)

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