Saturday, March 12, 2011

More study tool slides

In a recent post, I briefly discussed some presentations that I do regarding using Running Concept Lists and Concept Maps to learn anatomy and physiology concepts and how they relate to one another.  I posted links to slides, narrated YouTube videos of brief versions of the presentation, and related study tip pages in my Lion Den website for students.  As promised, this week I'm posting links and short descriptions of four more presentations that may help your students succeed in A&P.

Want to present your own version of any of these study tips? Perhaps embed parts of them into your own presentations? You are welcome to use the slides, which can be found in the Lion Den Slide Collection.  (To use the slides, you'll need the password for downloading them.  Just fill in the form to get the password if you don't already have it.)

Don't forget . . . when using the direct links below, you need to have the super-secret, magic password ready!

In an upcoming post, I'll let you in on some secrets for creating some additional time with you students so that you can cover these study tips without sacrificing "content time" in your A&P course.

Previously described slides available in the Lion Den Slide Collection:

More Slides also available in the Lion Den Slide Collection:

Flash Cards: Reducing Your Study Time 
Some practical tips for using study cards to reduce your study time and get a solid foundation in learning any topic. This video also includes some surprising advanced techniques that show how to use flash cards to also learn higher-level thinking in any subject. Includes discussion of the Leitner system (plus Patton's adaptation of the Leitner system), color codes and symbols, using cards to learn processes and ordered structures, and using cards to build concept maps (mind maps).
Muscle Names Have Meaning
Learning muscles is hard enough without dealing with those crazy convoluted Latin names. But if you pay attention to those names, you'll find that they are actually phrases that help you find the muscles AND help you to remember them in the long term. Find out how this works . . . and where to find lists to help you figure out the meaning of common muscle names.
Exam Strategies
Proven strategies for success in taking tests and exams. What you can do before, during, and after an exam to improve performance in your anatomy and physiology course.
Learn from Your Mistakes: TEST ANALYSIS 
How do you effectively "go over" your tests or exams? Learn how to analyze your tests to see what went wrong and how to fix it.

Don't forget that your students can keep up with all these study tips (and more) on their own by subscribing to my blog The A&P Student.

I have some handy (and bizarre) bookmarks giving students information about The A&P Student blog that you can distribute FREE to your classes!  Just go to my bookmark request page to get bookmarks for your students now.

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