Some of you have already received and distributed yours. But the rest of you should act now . . . while supplies last!
The bookmark is a whopping 2" by 7" printed on thick card stock—not one of those wimpy little bookmarks others give away. OK, nobody else gives away such anatomical bookmarks (as far as I know) but this is an unusually large size for a bookmark.
On the obverse side is an anatomically correct rendering of an eyeball in its bony orbit on the (anatomical) right and the eyeball partly covered by the palpebrae (lids) on the left. When you distribute them to your class, you might even take the opportunity to quiz them on anatomical directions (anatomical left and right vs. the viewer's left and right) to hone some skills, eh?
The reverse side contains information about The A&P Student blog.
The blog is mainly aimed at undergraduate college students but is also useful for high school students and even students in professional studies (medicine, allied health, etc.).
Just email me at kevin@theAPprofessor.org and tell me how many packs of 50 bookmarks you need for your class. And tell me where to send it (it MUST be a school address).
But wait!
That's not all!
Act now, and I'll throw in a few FREE humerus bookmarks for your own use!
That's right! These anatomic bookmarks (of the same sturdy structure as the eyeball bookmarks) feature a human humerus on one side and The A&P Professor hip logo on the other side.
You can use them yourself . . . and have some spares to share with your colleagues.
So, again, email me NOW at kevin@theAPprofessor.org and tell me how many packs of 50 bookmarks you need for your class. And tell me where to send it (it MUST be a school address).
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